There are well over 200 million Tweets per day.
Just imagine, if we always say you have a split second to convince a visitor to your site to stay a little longer, what do you need to do to get your Tweet noticed and get people to click or perform some type of engagement with it?
We are clearly in an attention economy, we are no longer fighting for attention with our direct competitors but with just any other kind of content. My Tweet about social media is next to a Tweet about Lifestyle Design and my prospect can go either way depending in too many variables.
Content can be king only if it’s noticed. We are not going to argue that your focus needs to be on producing remarkable content and products, if you do that the rest of the pieces will eventually fall in the right places, but if today you are fighting for that attention perhaps you could start with looking at optimizing your outgoing messages on social media to reach their full potential.
Here is an infographic by Fuse Works Studios that shows you a few ways Tweets get more action.