Surprising WordPress Statistics

There’s no denying that WordPress has become one of the most, if not the most popular content management system. What started off as a personal project is now an integral part of the Internet’s architecture, powering millions of websites.

WordPress sites around the globe publish 17 posts every second.

That comes to 1,023 blog posts per minute, 61,391 an hour and 1.5 million per day. And this number, as with many of the below statistics, only includes those sites which WordPress can track.

48% of Technorati’s Top 100 Blogs Are Managed With WordPress

74.6 Million Sites Depend on WordPress

Around 50% of this figure (close to 37 million) is hosted on the free In the realm of self-hosted sites, WordPress accounts for 18.9% of all websites. That’s even more astounding when you consider that over 70% of sites worldwide do not use a CMS.

The combined traffic is 14.7 billion monthly pageviews

It appears that all of the activity is paying off, resulting in massive traffic. For this year alone, blogs in the WordPress network have garnered a combined average of 14.7 billion pageviews per month. That’s twice as many people as there are on the planet! Let that sink in for a minute.

The company behind only has 283 employees.

It may sound crazy for all the hubbub going on around it, but Automattic, the company behind, is really not all that big. At the time of this writing, the team behind the popular blogging platform (and its many side projects) is just 283 people strong.

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