Recipe for an Integrated Marketing Campaign: Social Media, SEO, Content Marketing

4 Tips for the Planning Phase

The more you plan your marketing efforts, the only more success you will have. Here are four tips Bailey shared with the planning phase for marketing strategies.

  1. Rely on your SEOs: Get keywords from that that people are looking for to get to your site or blog. Search data is more than trying to rank but getting ideas for what people want to know.
  2. Build a long-term and daily content plan.
    • Long-Term Content Plan: Use Google Trends to compare products and primary searches.
    • Daily Content Plan: What trend terms are big the past 7 days and figure out what is trending right now that your company can take advantage of.
  3. Create a publishing schedule so you can see what content is going live when. The key is to plan your marketing according to your content.
  4. Measure your efforts to see what was successful and learn to make more money.

If you put effort into planning your marketing and content strategy you will have a higher success rate and also continue to execute based on a strategy, versus reacting to what is wrong due to lack of organization.

The main thing that successful businesses do can be summed up in one word: Plan. Failing to plan will only prevent you from executing a strategy, as you will be too busy reacting to what is wrong.

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